
My guyssss

We fight, we argue, we rag, we tease,
We gather around a table everyday and food doesn't last for 5 mins,
We eat, drink and celebrate everyday,
And ofcourse we are piled up....
Thts my gang!!

luhvv u guys!! Posted by Picasa


In 3rd person

After a whirlwind 7 months, for the first time, today I got a chance to sit back and wonder the whys and hows of life here. I will not call it ‘stopping to smell the flowers’; people do that when they go off on their well-deserved sabbaticals after years of slogging. I have barely sown my seeds now, the plants need to grow, then there will be flowers and then comes the question of when I should sit and smell them!!

What solely inspired me to write this was, when I sat back to look at myself, exactly 7 months ago. Indeed, a very amusing picture. It may not be a very long time for many, but for me (and probably for many similar souls like mine), it might seem like a past life.

I basically took a 3rd person look at myself that day when I ran up the daunting 2 floors of granite. I could actually hear the poor thing’s heart pound as she stepped into a B-school for the first time. Of course with my penchant of always, mind you always walking into an appointment 5 minutes late, I had already had my bit of adventure on the way. An old taxiwallah I just couldn’t yell at, a rattling cab that would’ve fallen apart had I sneezed, my patience and blood pressure had hit the ceiling at 8:00am itself. I zoomed up the stairs of what was to become my entire life for the next two years.
Uncomfortable, partly because of the awkward formal wear, partly because the anxiety that was killing me. Shivering, partly because of the full-blast air-conditioner, partly because of the nervousness. Clad in a spanking new blazer, with very little or absolutely no clue of what was laid out for me in the future, I exchanged uncomfortable half-smiles with every other blazer-bearer. Some seemed so surprisingly confident to me, I wondered what a nervous little rattle like me doing in a place like this. To make matters worse, the well-experienced polished seniors put up such a stiff corporate demeanour. Watching these High-Efficiency Business Machines, I instantly got plugged into the Inferiority Complex mode. Quite frankly, it was like blow in the face and I couldn’t help but wonder, was I in the wrong place? By the end of the first day of my Foundation Fortnight, I was so sure I was!!

It took me a while to sink my roots into the ground. It took me a little longer to get used to the sweet-smile-on-the-face kind of culture. I was so used to speaking my mind and calling something crap when it ought to be; this was a big step. The semi-artificial friendliness and "corporate culture" also took a while to sink in.
But 2 months down, and the ones like me floated out like cork-balls.

Well now I need not worry too much. I guess I’ve found my place under that skylight.